Charles S. Ashley School is named after a man of outstanding character; for this reason, we base our student expectations for academics and citizenship on the moral code of Mayor Ashley. Mayor Ashley said, “I have given to the city of New Bedford the best that was in me.” The staff and students at Ashley School are committed to giving the best that is in us to every challenge that confronts us. Whether we are reading a book, playing a game, taking the MCAS test, or facing a moral decision, we must each make the choice to give our BEST to every situation we face.
Academic success is the result of several factors: school attendance, positive school attitude, class participation, individual effort, parental involvement, and test performance. We believe that all students are capable of being successful students. Students are successful when they give their absolute best effort to every task they face. When we are not successful, we have not tried hard enough!
All New Bedford Public School rules and guidelines will be followed at the Ashley School. At Ashley School we expect students to be Responsible, Respectful and take Ownership for their Actions. (R.O.A.R.)
We look forward to welcoming you as part of the Ashley School Family; together we can do great things for our children.